Human Design transmission by Zen Human Design

Human Design Transmission
Volume 31, number 2
April 21, 2024

Human Design transmission
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- The Business of Human Design
- 2024 Pocket Ephemeris on Sale
- Hating Ra
- Q & A
- Auracle News


The Business of Human Design

In the beginning there was Human Design, virgin and fallow for years, and when Ra finally went public with it in 1992, there was also the business of Human Design. Right from its start, part of his show was inextricably linked to making money with it. I know, because I was right there and worked with him and Zeno to establish the Human Design School’s initial licensing scheme, which has barely changed to this day.

By 1998 we realized that the scheme produced parrots rather than genuine knowledge. We tried to find a different solution and this set off the process that led to our split from Ra, along with his establishment of the "Types" doctrine. Turned out he preferred his parrots.

During his first stay in our home in Taos in November/December 1993, he was still promoting Human Design to us. As he told us years later, we were the only people he ever petitioned, everybody else petitioned him, and he wanted to win us over to be his spear heads and ice breakers in America. Yet we were initially somewhat reluctant, not because of Human Design, but because something about Ra didn’t smell right. So to entice us, he argued the benefits. One of his sales pitches was that “Human Design will be bigger than Microsoft.”

At that time, Bill Gates was still the face of Microsoft, his obscene wealth making him the epitome of financial success, one of America’s holy cows. “We’ll be as rich as Bill Gates,” was Ra’s real argument.

He imagined a pyramid, with clients forming the base, feeding a layer of analysts, feeding a couple layers of teachers, feeding himself and his family. And the base’s plentiful money would percolate up through the layers and make everybody wealthy. When I asked what he needed billions for, his answer was that his son would need the money to build a spaceship to Uranus’ moon Oberon. I’m not making this up.

Pyramid of the Jovian Franchise
Not only is the business a pyramid, but also the "knowledge,"
its access and dispersion, not to mention the entire caste construct.
Even the body graph, refraction of eternity, is forced into a pyramid straightjacket.

By the time he concluded his first visit, we were contractually tasked with establishing Human Design in America and had a base stock of eight certified analysts, the two of us included. We set out to give readings and turn on people to become analysts themselves, while organizing Ra’s 1994 US tour and creating the promotional and educational materials to attract and school those future analysts.

A year later the stock had expanded to about 20 analysts and two teachers (Zeno and I). And so on. By late 1997 the pyramid was broad enough that we finally realized our first profits, allowing us to start paying down the debts we’d incurred getting the whole thing off the ground and invest in things like a color printer and a cassette copier.

Anyway, Ra’s thinking was hierarchical, but there’s no hierarchy to unique individuals and that’s why he had to swindle up his caste system to put them all in their place. Suddenly there was competition, there were winners and losers, there was us and them and, as you can tell when looking at today’s Jovian world, that’s still the case. Jovianism is a dizzying array of competing grandness and their puffy, old slogans vying for market share.

“Human Design as business” is an intrinsic part of the DNA of the JOV-97 virus. You pay a hefty fee to acquire a neat package of labels and then get certified to resell those labels to your unsuspecting clients, infecting them in turn, all the while unaware that you’re infectious in the first place, all the while unaware that you've been turned into a missionary. That's how the pyramid grows.

Almost all of my clients are refugees from Jovianism, spurred by their own healthy discomfort and a resonance with my writing, and a significant part of my work with them concerns breaking the grip of the virus. Even the brightest and most receptive are in the thrall of it, at least when I meet them first. To my radically different perspective the effects of the infection stand out in stark contrast, but it’s not easy to crack the fever. It’s sneaky, stubborn and lingering and it took many years for me to get past myself.

Given the virus’s DNA, it’s not surprising that most of my clients are also either already in the business of Human Design or intend to be. Of course I’m not opposed to earning an honest living from your expertise, but must warn you that in real Human Design there’s no honest shortcut to expertise and as long there’s any trace of the infection you’re doing more harm than good.

Unlike Jovianism, Zen Human Design is not a career and certainly no keynote franchise, but a tool to grow in awareness. It may be a lengthy process, but as the dynamics and truth of your life are increasingly revealed, other people on the path may come to find you a valuable guide. But this should not be your primary motivation. Know yourself!




2024 Pocket Ephemeris

2024 Pocket Ephemeris by Zen Human DesignOn Sale. While supplies last.
Learn more here.
Hints for use Newsletter 26.02.

booklet, 32 pages
$13.50 $10, includes shipping worldwide
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The booklet ships as a US Post First Class letter.
If you order more than one, each will arrive in its own envelope, sometimes a day or two apart.
In the US, the letter usually arrives within about a week. Abroad we estimate up to 3 weeks.

Hating Ra

Occasionally people write me to object to my “hatred” of Ra, while others try to sidle up to me because they “hate Ra too.” Aw, both of you, please be more careful reading what I write: I love Human Design. I don't hate Ra.

He introduced me to original Human Design, we initially had a great project together, we were friends, and he retains a special place in my heart. I do think that he went severely off the rails, which is, if you’re able to read his design (his design, not his keynotes and books), not all that surprising. If anything, I have compassion.

I use sharp language and some cynicism and irony to rattle his unnecessary cages in which so many are seduced to confine themselves and to remind those with a proclivity to deify him that he farted like everyone else, was vain, self-centered and unaware of his heart, and by far didn’t walk on water and ascend to the heavens to be seated at his father's side.

His show isn't Human Design. It's pretense. He neither understood what he received, nor his role in its unfolding. He should be respected for remembering the mechanics and remembered for making his revelation public, loved for being a fellow, fallible human being, but as an authority in Human Design, what these mechanics all mean, he should be ignored. Yes.

It's high time to run with the message, rather than remaining mesmerized by the messenger, his show and his tales. It's about Human Design, not Ra Uru Hu.

Lest you believe that Ra's crown was bestowed on him by a deity, these hats are commonly worn by the men of some mountain tribes in the Indian Himalayas. The women embroider them in a variety of designs.

Q & A

Answers to select questions from readers, clients and students.


Our company

"What’s the story with the succession of different names for your Human Design company?"

When Zeno and I made our first contract with Ra at the end of 1993, he asked us to name our new company New Sun Services America. We were not exactly thrilled, but couldn’t quite place our discomfort yet and so we went along, spurred by Ra’s dominant design, as I know now but not then.

Ra all along hinted at being a savior, a messiah – Ra, the Sun god, the son of god. Hence the pun, New Sun Services, subtle enough to be deniable, blatant enough to wash brains. Understandably, we had mixed feelings.

New Sun Services America it remained until 2001 when Ra’s accumulating public and private slights and slander finally led us to officially declare our independence and changed the name to zc design, short for Zeno & Chaitanyo Design.

The following years brought our divorce and our tentative exploration of continuation. zc design continued to exist and function, but I veered in a slightly different direction and after a few years left Zeno with the task to change zc design into her sole proprietorship. Considering a new name, I’m sure she went from Zeno & Chaitanyo Design to Zeno Design, to Zen Design, to Zen Human Design and the brilliant name was registered and published in 2009 (two months after which Ra then presented his “RaZen” series: his poor heart was still competing, ten years after he failed to destroy her).

And that’s what it has been since then.

Due to her illness unable to keep up with Zen Human Design, Zeno asked me in 2017 whether I would take it back. I did. And my life changed.


Auracle News

I'm currently in India and have finally met in person the crew who programmed Auracle for the past 5 years (and will continue to add upcoming features). They were working on Auracle sequentially, of course, not simultaneously, otherwise it wouldn't have taken that long (and I also couldn't have kept up with testing and paying). It was so interesting to compare my imagination to the real characters.

Auracle's programmers.
From left to right: Manoj, Chaitanyo, Preeti, Nitin, Saurabh, Gajendra, Ram. The initial crew, Rekha and Amit, are absent.


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© 2024 Zen Human Design
Photos © Chaitanyo
Zen Human Design is instrumental in introducing, establishing and developing the original Human Design System in America and around the world since 1993.
For a few years, starting in 1997, we've also been instrumental in establishing the Human Caste System. Sorry.
All issues of the Transmission