The Course in Human Design Update
Thank you all who have supported me by ordering the Course in Human Design v.2 in the past. I consider it like my graduate study, a master’s thesis, demonstrating how anyone can use Human Design based on the simple, original revelation, which Ra clearly stated wasn’t his.

Jovian obviously has a powerful marketing incentive to blur the lines between the revelation and Ra’s interpretation, however, while that interpretation has some very compelling things, it does not lead one to a place where you can see charts for yourself, recognize planets or learn to use the I Ching very well.
Since the initial release of the Course v.2 with my hastily recorded first lessons, I continued to integrate ever more deeply and quite specifically, through the recognition of centers in my own body. This led me to develop the first class, Centers, Conditioning and Consciousness by recognizing where a beginner really needs to start. It is centers that are the entrance to a Human Design study that is self-teaching. You can learn to master Human Design through self-observation of how your experience can be seen through the Human Design chart. This is what I teach: to identify the centers in your own life experience.
It took me a while to recognize that it is hypocritical of me to continue using the types. Though they are easy to get and share with people, they are also subtle traps that are hard to spot. So this is why I needed to edit the Course manual, to eliminate all references to types. This is now in progress. Otherwise, the manual is very solid, albeit pretty advanced.
To see the traps of types, start looking at what they replaced, namely the modes of doing and waiting. (Also the definition types, but that’s for another day.)
First thing is To Do and To Wait. Either way, it is a life lesson, and will continue to teach you as long as you observe yourself through the lens of Human Design. You must already recognize the bias of To Do as the first class citizens yourself, and equally perceive the bias of (oh bummer!) a design To Wait. You can contemplate this by yourself; this holds a lot of information about Ra’s work.
Now I know really how to see a chart and this is what I teach. So here’s a lesson on skipping the types. (The part where you realize it’s the first thing that comes up in your mind is part of the lesson for you!)
When you look at a chart, begin with the Throat center. If there is a motor connected directly to it, then it is a design To Do. If so, what’s the motor or motors? If the Throat center is undefined or connected to a center that is not a motor, it is a design To Wait. A design to Wait with a defined Throat is very different from waiting with an undefined Throat center.
Second, and this is really important: Defined Sacral or not. If the Sacral center is defined and you say “Generator” as though you really understand something, you cheat yourself (and the other if you’re talking to someone else). The Sacral center, whether it is defined, and if so, to what, or undefined; whether or not it is a design To Do or To Wait, must be a center you look at with care to really comprehend the person’s energetic dynamics.
This powerful center everyone has, whether it is defined or not. And if it is defined, don’t just think by saying, “you’re a Generator” or “I’m a Generator” that you’re actually telling someone else how it is defined. No center is ever defined in isolation. Only undefined centers can be understood in isolation. And To Do with an undefined Sacral center is categorically different from a mode To Do with a defined Sacral center.
Learning the names of the types helped sort out variations on waiting, but it really eclipsed the difference between charts with or without Sacral definition. It clearly distinguished energy types. However, the names of the types obliterated the meaning of the Sacral center in all instances. Saying one is a Projector doesn’t highlight what it means to have an undefined Sacral center. It tells what your specific action plan is (to wait to be invited). While the need to learn what waiting is true and important, it is not a conclusion that the invitation is what one waits for. That is subjective interpretation.
It’s of great value to recognize the need to wait to respond for Generators, but you actually get this from the Sacral center itself. This center is the body’s generator, the power plant, taking in fuel and will burn itself out if it is outwardly, versus inwardly motivated. The Sacral center has the possibility to connect to five other centers and any combination of those centers nuance what one’s response might be, so don’t trap yourself in a superficial one-size-fits-all approach.
The other two types with designs To Wait that also have undefined Sacral centers do have the waiting style in common (looking for energy or recognition), but the variations of having some definition (like Throat or not, motors or not) significantly alter what you see in a chart. I would say the name Reflector tells a person with no definition what to do. It’s a conclusion. So start with no definition and then recognize the attributes of reflecting the energy of others and what it means to be open. It’s actually hard.
Having a design To Do means a motor connects to the Throat and this energy can manifest action. I really don’t think it’s so terribly different from the attributes assigned to the Throat. It’s also so crucial that you look to see what centers are undefined or if there are splits in the chart. But that’s for next time.