Charts in Review
December Saturday Webinar
Students bring charts they're interested in and Zeno will discuss their important aspects. Nothing beats this learning experience. See what she looks for in a chart to arrive at her accurate and helpful conclusions (which, by the way, have nothing to do with all those labels many believe are Human Design).
Zeno will also continue to guide your use of the e-book journal that comes with the Centers, Conditioning & Consciousness class or is available separately.
It is more fun for Zeno to teach people who have at least some basic Zen Human Design education and you will gain much more for yourself, so please come to these classes optimally prepared by taking the foundational classes Imprint and Centers, Conditioning & Consciousness and buy the manual Human Design Revealed.
Saturdays, December 8, 15, 22.
11:00-12:30 MST, 18:00-19:30 GMT
lessons are recorded and can be revisited later
$150, full
$100, medium
$50, low *
Here's what Zeno says about this pricing: "Because I have been cash-strapped much of my life, I want to honor anyone's desire to study Human Design with me affordably, so I offer three prices and you can decide what you can afford. Please understand that I am always glad to have your support if you can pay full, but less is also support and fantastic."
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