Zeno on YouTube
Many of our readers know that the world’s only teacher of the original Human Design System is severely handicapped by the progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis. Zeno can no longer walk, often has trouble to talk, especially for longer than a few minutes, and generally needs assistance with almost any of the daily tasks the rest of us rarely think twice about, if we even notice. In the past year or so she developed what we jokingly call the fumble-factor, an extreme jitter of her hands that makes it very difficult for her to hit the keys of a computer keyboard or to target anything on a screen with the mouse. And when I say “extreme jitter,” I mean a factor of two to three inches, sometimes even more! Imagine how frustrating this is. This makes it even difficult to target your mouth with a fork, not to mention directing a cursor.

Photo by Madelyn Willis
Of course, her precious knowledge has not disappeared because of this, it just has a very difficult time to come out and be expressed. That’s quite a fate for someone who so loves to talk and write. This is also the reason Zeno no longer gives live classes and those who desire to learn from her have to depend on the large range of recorded classes she gave in the past.
Spurred by the pervasive examples of utter cluelessness demonstrated by those trapped by the “Jovian” version of Design she encounters almost daily, she continues to look for ways to impart her comparatively simple Zen Human Design to those who realize that the totally manipulated “official” Human Design leads just about nowhere useful.
Meanwhile, she frequently records short videos to post on YouTube. Creating these is still within her capabilities and although they are not slick and perfect and you sometimes have to be mindful and forgiving of her disability, they do convey her wisdom and experience of working with Human Design full-time for over twentyone years.
You can find her YouTube channel here. When there, subscribe so that you’ll be informed when she puts out a new one. Enjoy and learn real Human Design!
