2017 Pocket Ephemeris Now Available
For any serious Human Designer, the Pocket Ephemeris we publish every year since 1994 is an indispensible item. Next year's edition is now available and you can order it, or learn more about it, here.
booklet, 32 pages
$13.50, including shipping
$2 off each when buying more than one (shipped to the same address)
The Zen Human Design Ephemeris
The Zen Human Design Ephemeris now covers an entire century, 1951-2050, in four volumes. You will enjoy the overview and accuracy that is only possible with a printed ephemeris. It shows four months of planetary positions on a double page, in intervals of just twelve hours. More.
• softcover, 8.5x11", 164 pages
• 1951-75, $42, add to cart
• 1976-00, $42, add to cart
• 2001-25, $42, add to cart
• 2026-50, $42, add to cart
Save $50 when buying all four volumes together:
• 1951-2050, $118, add to cart