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Who's Hu?

In 1987 the Human Design System was revealed to a man who subsequently called himself Ra Uru Hu.

When he started teaching Human Design in 1992, he reported that he'd heard a voice explaining the system in finite detail and insisted that the mechanics could be learned within eight days. The information on this and the next page contains the entire revealed mechanics of the Human Design System.

With the intention to help people understand the mechanics, Ra had started early to create names and keywords to apply to the various functions of the mechanics and in the early years it was understood that these were his personal interpretations, not to be believed, but to be verified or disputed through truthful evaluation and experimentation.

In later years, though, as the audience for Human Design grew, his interpretations mutated into a catechism of labels, keywords and rules that make it nearly impossible to still detect the original underlying mechanics. This is what meanwhile is sold as the "official Human Design."

Zen Human Design offers "classic" Human Design, free of Ra's interpretations, but based on the original, simple mechanics as they are presented here.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra died in March 2011.

Ra's chart

Synthesis: The Premises

The Human Design System arrived as a revelation. Some of its premises are part of established modern science; most are from the esoteric traditions of the Kabbalah, the chakras, the I Ching and astrology. You are invited to take the following synopsis of this synthesis as a hypothesis. Note that this is ultimately for your intellectual curiosity only and you need not know any of it to benefit from the Human Design System.


Neutrinos are part of the sub­atomic world. They are emitted by stars and travel through the universe at near the speed of light. They are so tiny that they penetrate everything (including us) by the trillions per square inch every second without being slowed down. They have a very small mass and therefore change and are changed by the bodies they penetrate.


Orbiting the Sun, the planets interfere with the neutrino stream as it penetrates them. The mixture of the pure neutrino stream from the stars with the altered stream through the planets is what conditions life on Earth.


Crystals of Consciousness

Every life carries two crystals of consciousness, a “design crystal” and a “personality crystal” . The refraction of the neutrino stream through this unique pair of crystals emerges as an individual life.

Magnetic Monopole

The Magnetic Monopole is a magnet that holds an individual in place and on its life trajectory. It provides the geometry of a life in relation to the whole, the direction from past to future and from conception to death.


The Design crystal with an embedded Magnetic Monopole enters the human fetus at conception and begins building the body. Approximately 3 months before birth (exactly 88° of the Sun), the Personality crystal enters the body in preparation for its life.


A human receives an imprint at birth, a Design that can be calculated, displayed and read in a chart.



Throughout a life, the ongoing presence and movement of the planets continue to condition a human Design. Furthermore, humans condition each other by the interaction of their individual Designs. All that can also be calculated and seen in charts.

Chart CalculationThe Human Design  Wheel

The Human Design index aligns the 12 signs of the astrological zodiac with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. It places 0 degrees Aries into hexagram 25, line 2. Each hexagram occupies 5°37’30” of arc. The sequence of the hexagrams in the Human Design wheel is also found in the I Ching by Hua-Ching Ni.

Human Design uses two astrological calculations to arrive at two sets of planetary positions. These sets are then indexed into the hexagrams and lines of the I Ching. This database is transferred to the integrative field, the individual body graph.

Continue with What's on the Chart






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