Human Design Transmission |
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And obviously, we must have had our authorities all along, because definitions are with you from birth to death, they are what you can rely on and never change, your strength, your haven, life’s box of gifts that’s always there for you. But what is familiar and comfortable and doesn’t change isn’t the same as authority.
If that were the case, a baby would have inner authority. A still delightfully innocent toddler certainly already displays reliable traits based on definition, but I’ve never met one with inner authority. On the other hand, I’ve also seen plenty of older people without a trace of it.
Authority is earned, you’re not born with it. It is a product of personal growth, of the practice of awareness, of maturity, of wisdom. Good karma. It is not a given and not everybody earns.
Ra’s misunderstanding then leads to such baffling conclusions as that people without definition “have no inner authority,” which I find to be one of the most ridiculous assertions of the Jovian faith, right up there with the “informing, “being invited” and “responding” scams. In my experience and observation, authority most often is earned exactly in the two thirds of the body graph that remain un-activated and undefined and therefore white, which would give people without definition mechanically the greatest chance at authority.
The white territory of the body graph, what Jovianism so conveniently ignores with its appropriated version of the "not-self,” is where the work of personal growth happens. It’s where your shadows are, your vulnerabilities, your crossed wires, your buttons pushed. It’s where fear and pain and despair lurk. It’s not easy to look at and not easy to be aware of, easier to look away and keep hidden or decorated with deception. Looking requires and forms character.
Authority comes from how you approach your challenges, the uncertain and the unexpected, from your stance in the face of change, from the way you handle your insecurities and upheavals, the mistakes you make and learn from, your integrity, the attention you pay to yourself and the other in relationships, how aware you are of the impact of your definition. Your inner authority is proportional to your maturity, responsibility and awareness.
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Newsletter 26.02.
"I'm a Projector, but I don't understand my stategy."
When you write to me and want me to know who you are, please share your birth data and I'll have something real to work with. I don't care that you are a "projector" and what your supposed "strategy" is. This tells me only that you're ill with the Jovian virus. Like all the other "types," it’s just a blinder swindled upon your perception, manipulating you to feel separate and special, yet in cozy good company.
Other than occasionally being invited to a party or a meal, which is nice for everyone reardless of caste, it hardly matters whether “you are invited” or not. Invited by whom? To what? It's just entirely contrived, a useless treadmill. You justifyingly don't understand because it sure doesn't make sense.
Even the saintly notion that you’re “invited by existence” or the “universe” is a farce. Of course you are “invited,” that's why you're here! Everybody is, even the other Jovian castes. Why make the obvious a "strategy" for just one of them?
Without any invitation, without any permission, free of any caste, you are fully capable to live this life!